Thursday, January 28, 2010

Impian Bakal Jadi Kenyataan

Ehem-ehem. Tgk x tajuk kat atas tu? Hahah. Okay seriously right now I'm happy, hyper & bakal menjadi hypest, sb angan-angan I dah nk jadi realiti! Whoah mcm x pecaya bila tertengok benda nie kat facebook smlm. Cpt tgk,

Sila klik untuk gambar yg lebih besar.
Do you know apakah maksud gambar di atas?
Meaning, I dah bole jadi tinggi!!! Yay!
Dulu pernah I tertanya-tanya diri sendiri,girls yg pendek bole nampak tinggi sb diorang ada high heels, takde ke kasut untuk org lelaki yg boleh buat org2 pendek mcm I nmpak tinggi?
Sekarang, I x perlu risau, sb ada kasut Giraffe! Tgk btol2, I dah jadi fan die.haha

I definitely bakal beli kasut nie, sb ape? Hahah, jeng jeng jeng.

Sebab this shoes bole tlg I kelihatan lebih tinggi daripada biasa sehingga 10cm tanpa disedari oleh sesiapa pun.hahah. Gila confident aa kan mcm dah beli & pakai je. Sekarang dah boleh berangan dpt gf yg tinggi2, sb bila amik gamba time wedding, tinggi gf dgn I sama padan. So gambar tetap cantik lah kn? Guests pun tak kan nmpak kependekan I semuanya sebab kasut terbaru kesayangan I, Giraffe! I syg u muah muah.haha.
Jadi sekarang, tak pyh I paksa diri I untuk mkn CalciYum!, tak pyh cari Appeton TeenGrow kat pharmacy, just sarung je kasut Giraffe! =)
Bagi para jejaka pendek mcm I, if you are interested just like me, you can go to for further information. Design not bad laa kan maybe x lama lagi dia akn kuarkan design yg lebih menarik.

Yes I dah boleh jadi tinggi!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hard Times

Sometimes things happen,
And its just not the way you want it to,
Although you pray so hard hoping it will never happened to you,
It just keep happening,
You never asked to be like this,
But what can you do?
We are just human,
No matter what you have to get through this on your own,
They are supposed to understand,
But at the end of the day, you'll need to do it by yourself,
Do everything that you can do,do whatever it takes to save you,
Because belief me,
In this big bad world, you can only count on yourself.

People can be very mean, aren't they?

Sunday, January 24, 2010



The time is so fast that today is already Sunday. Padahal da cuti dr Jumaat kan, tp still x puas tamak haloba nk cuti lg. Bila bagi cuti 2 bulan hah merungut plak ko eh bosan tatau nk buat apa aaa dh nk temuntah duduk goyang perot kt umah laa pastu semua balik ja ckp ayat nie "Wey gilaa ah aku cuti badan aku naik gilaa tahap 20 kg sedas!".
Dh ko duduk kat rumah mkn tdo aja mmg ah cuba ko tolong mak kat dapur ke paling2 pun bersihkan rumah dah bersembur dah peluh ko kuar kan.

Eh apasal aku emo nie? Hahah.

Okay plan ths week cuti 3 ari nk baca buku & sort of mcm nk jadik rajin laa kn nk memahami semua benda yg dah blaja kat kls selama 2 3 minggu nie. Nak siapkan report MAF,nk baca CRG Che Ah Real Life Game pastuh nk study FAR siapkan hw & nk buat BEL. Whoah semangat nie. I nk dekan ths sem. Fuh gilaa ah kn,eh jap I rs mcm nk ANC gak ah. Terbaeklah kn punya angan.

Hah! Nie dah dkt pukul 12 tgh hari hari Ahad. Guess what? Satu apa pun xbuat lagiiiiii!!! Nie aa rasa mcm nk marah diri sendiri nie. Tp x sampai hati pulak sb syg jgk dkt diri sendiri. Tp klu syg dkt diri sendiri patot do the things that you are supposed to do lah kan, eh apeni apeni dah pening.

Finee mengaku aa kn salah sndiri jugak terlampau mengikut nafsu syahwat segala nk tdooo nk min game semua. Eh kjap, main game? Oh patotla. I dpt game baru ths weekend. Salahkn umar. Dia yg bwk hard disk dia tuu yg I explore.

Penah tgk game nie x???

Ada gamba lg satu:

Hahah rasa semua dh tau game plant & zombie nie so finee yala I ketinggalan zaman baru nk start berkecimpung dlm game nie kn, (hahah sejak bila guna word berkecimpung pun tatau). Hey siapa ckp nie game bodoh mau I patahkan idung u balik bia penyek mcm I sb it is not easy kacang tanah merah aja. Still memerlukan kekreatifan merancang strategi. Cewah!

Whatevers today I kena finish everything that need to be done. Jadi I nk pegi brunch dulu. Oh lupa nk ckp, I baru bgn sbnrnya. Bye.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wake up in the morning feelin like P Diddy.. Hahah Hi.

Semalam I happy.
I feel so relieved, that I have completed all my work. Can you imagine, finishing 3 things in one night! Gilaa rushing sampai x tido. Okay tipu siket tdo jugak laa at 4am.
CRG Movie Review dah submit, Oh presentation MAF, ngeeeeeeeee lecturer suka presentation kitorg omg legaaa sgt, thanks to Dayah, Taufiq, & Fali yg kena present byk jgk sb amikkan part Haziq. Although class full smlm until 6pm along with not having enough sleep I still can get through all the classes and put the smile on my face, because its all worth it. Yayy!!! We did it wehhh.=)

Nah amik smlm after mkn trus balik terlentang atas katil sampai pagi. Hari nie lagi betambah happy, sb kelas satu ja. Besok? Lagi happy nak mampos, sb tanak pegi kelas. Lecturer x dtg dah 3 weeks kot. I assume die cuti bersalin aaa kan.

Tapi 1 thing dissapointed sgt...


Saturday, January 16, 2010

It Feels Like A Movie...

Yay its a weekend already & I was hoping that I can do a lot of fun stuff instead of duduk rumah jee but sadly I have to,sb banyak sgt kerjaa!! Arghhhh.

Okay cerita hari ini lain dari biasa. I don't really know if any of you had experience this before tp seriously last night rasa mcm berlakon dlm movie.Sb insiden nie slalu tgk dlm tv je then suddenly it happens to me. Why??????!!! Oh whyyyy??? Tak penah dlm hidup aku rasa sebegini hampa even dpt result terok pun x penah rasa mcm nie.huuuuuu!!!
Ah dah ah ko gedik. Jom layan kesah sedih gua di malam Sabtu. Zassssssssss!!!

Semalam mcm teringin mkn western dkt Kg Baru sb sort of mcm dah lama kitorg x dinner di situ. Then bergerak lah aku dgn kwn2 membawa perot lapar nie. Okay firstly plan xberapa baik lah kan sb stuck dgn jammmmmmmmmmm nyaa. 8.30 pegi dkt2 pukul 10 baru nk sampai mmg gilaa mengamuk ah aku dlm kereta sb lapar! Sangatttt.

Then bila sampai je,dgn bangganya park tepi jalan. Slalu dlm kereta aku letak hp dkt tepi pintu kereta dkt tempat pemegang tuu.alah yg ada tempat bukak tingkap suma di situ kn konon senang laa if ada emergency call kan mak call tiba2 ke.Cewahh. Okay unfortunately, hihi mcm karangan BI pulak,xsedar aku bukak pintu kuat terus my hp terpelanting tercampak dkt tgh jalan. Dan tanpa membuang masanya sebuah kereta MyVi putih yg tgh meluncur lajunya melenyekk gua punya hp!

Hey xdala aku mnjerit kan. I was sort of mcm tergamam but without hesitation cpt2 aku amik blk hp tuu. Omg sedihhhhhhnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Luckily x pecah x remuk masih mampu berfungsi seperti yg dulu,which kinda amazing! Wow kuat gilaa my little Sony Ericsson K770i but display dia dah retak2 mcm kaca pecah & I think its because kecederaan dalaman.

But apa yg membuatkan aku sedih sgt, the phone is still new, x sampai setahun lg. And it happens sb sikap tidak berhati2 & aku sendiri yg buat. Can you imagine, watching your beloved hp kena lenyek dpn mata & you cannot do nothing to save it???

Now tell me, pernah x korang jadi mcm tu? Tell me & share your feelings, please. Sebab aku trauma,fobia,& really wish that I could turn back time so that I will just put my hp in my pocket. Kalaulahhhh...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Tourism Malaysia

Semua happy x hari nie? Sebab tetiba aku rasa mcm hyper siket. Maybe sb terfall in love dkt someone kot. Haha gila gedik geli. Tah cinta kali ke berapa punya pandang pun tatau laa sb banyak sgt org aku dah pandang. Cewah. Tp btol, aku rasa aku suka seseorang. Rahsia kita, okeh?

Now lets get back to our topic today shall we? Last night I went out with my friends untuk program kuar malam yg mana kali ni we call it as "Ladies Night". Hahah tu idea Muyaa ah mlm td apa kejadahnya ko menggilaa.

After having dinner at Bangsar, then we decided to take a short trip around KL. Arah tuju ialah "Malaysia Tourism Centre" yg menempatkan banyak pusat istirahat & kelab hiburan. Just street walking, tu aja okay. It kinda exciting because there are some interesting show that caught our eyes at that street. Jom tengok!

Please please please aksi nie jgn tiru di rumah yaa.hahah muka mamat nie scary sampai ada org menjerit tgk dia. Dgn gaya ala2 org asli dtg dkt org mmg la menjerit. First mcm takot gak aa tp last2 nah,gambar 1 bang!

Haa ini kelawar kaki panjang. Dia cakap dia boleh shuffle dgn kaki panjang dia tu. Ohh dah habes bergambar kitorg ckp bye, dia jwb "Assalamualaikum". Hahah myb untuk malam jumaat je kot bang.

But I love this one,

Just like old times...
Posing nk dpn kedai mahal jeee,hahah.

Thats all for now. Nak kena smyg. Wajib. Adios!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Belasan Tahun

Okay mlm nie gua just nak tunjuk gambar paling gua syg sgt. Thanks my old friend Rofaizal Rozemi for uploading this picture at Facebook.

Hehehe ini muka Form 3. Sumpah malu mcm x percaya muka gila bunga. Dah jgn tgk lama2.
Nanti nak delete pulak.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why can't you see?

Okay finee mengakula tajuk amik lirik Taylor Swift You Belong With Me tp karangan hari ni bkn pasal sape belong to sape. Tade tade tade. Sumpah xsangkut paut.

I was working on my movie review for CRG,then suddenly this thought came across my mind.So I take a short break & try to let this all go, & hopefully after that I can get move on to the next chapter of my life.

Dearest friends,

We are living in this world dealing with so many types of people for every single day. People include your father,your mother,your brother,your sister,your neighbor,your psychotic secret lover, and...did I forget something important??? Oohhh! Friends! Right, friends.

A good friend always stand back behind you & bla bla bla I don't think that I need to explain the boring theory of what a friend should be because my blog is not a place where I need to teach on how to be a friends or how to identify a good friend. I believe its hard to find a perfect friend who always understand you & how to treat you without hurting you once in a lifetime because nobody is perfect. We are all just ordinary human which means that we makes mistakes,often. Whether you did it intentionally or not that is another story,but I prefer to assume that we did it unintentionally.

A good friend will accept his friends as they are. Everybody has their strength & weaknesses, leave us no choice but to just love our friends as they are. I'm sure all of us love our friends. Buruk baik ape tabiat pun ada who cares as a human we should be bertimbang rasa dgn semua org.

But I'm kinda sad, because some people when org bertimbang rasa for them, they just couldn't see it. Your friend jaga hati you, can you just jaga hati dia balik?
Your friend tolong you bila you susah, can you just tlg dia balik? Org tahan you dgn perangai you, can you just do the same to him? Can you see how your friend is trying to live with your attitudes & behaviour, you marah2 kwn you bila you nampak salah dia tp when it comes to you, dia diam x bole tegur sb you hot tempered? Or you mmg akn cr excuses? Hihi okay I mcm emo plak kan. No nie I punye thoughts je.

So I hope I x jadi kwn yg mcm tu. Yes I prefer mengalah dari mengcomplicatedkn situasi because it is not worth it. For me I think I should look at myself first before I point my finger to somebody else. Hey,x kan kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga. Sayangilah rakan-rakan anda. Muah muah. =)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Zaman Hyper Darjah 1

Evening bebeh.
I tgh sambut bday mak I then tiba2 mak I ungkit kisah lama masa borak2.

I darjah 1 time tuu & I mmg x penah ada masalah langsung kat sekolah. Pelik. Budak lain ada menages2 nk ikut mak balik tp I cool selamba badak sebab I x rasa pape pun. So mak I lambai2 then start 2nd day school I dah begerak solo.hihi

Tapi mak I pelik everytime I blk lengan I lebam2. Mak I tnya I ckp Cikgu cubit. So mak I mcm suspicious aaa, bkn dgn cikgu, tp dgn I! Haha, so mak I pun 1 hari tuu pegila sekolah jadi spy tgk apa I buat. So here it goes...jeng jeng jeng.hihi

I mmg buas masa kecik tp I tadela ganas2 haprak punya gaduh bawak geng wa maki lu bakar rumah org ke hape. Buas bdk2 laa.

I suka usik org dlm kelas,which perangai yg I still terbwk2 sampai skrg kat umah 19.
1st my mum nampak, I masuk bwh meja tarik kaki budak perempuan, pastu bdk perempuan tu nanges. Pap! Satu kali kene cubit.

Next,I nmpak budak perempuan dkt luar kls tgh asah pensel dkt tepi tong sampah. So I jumpe Cikgu ckp I nk asah pensel jugak. Then I pegi, I tegur say Hi kat bdk tu, die ckp2 trus I tampar jubo die I lari masok kls. Pap! Kena tarik telinga 1 das.

Lps tuu ade 1 grup bdk perempuan tgh smbang gosip2 aa cerite pasal kekayaan family diorg. I pegi konon2 buat2 nk join dgr then I tarik tudung die ke belakang. Nanges. Kene cubit lagi.

So after that day I balik rumah lengan I lebam2 pun mak I x kesah dah, x tanye. Tp I kene marah laa sebab mak I palinggg x dpt terima I spank jubo bdk perempuan kat luar kls tuh. Hahah alhamdulillah bab spank jubo berhenti hujung tahun tu.

Tapi bab tarik tudung I buat sampai darjah 6! Jadi kpd mangsa2 I sume minx halal laa x sengaja. Time tuu I sengal2 ubi lagi. Adios!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Back In Business

Hey everybody this is my first post for the year of 2010. Yeah I know I'm kinda not so much into blogging over this past 2 months but it is because I don't have any interesting events to be told to all of you during the term break.

Okay lets forget about the things that I did during the holidays because what I want to share today is about now. Ready, satu dua tigaa go!

Right now, I feel like I don't know who I am, I don't have mood for anything because everything is different. Things change & I'm not ready for it.I never thought the day is coming so for sure I'm not prepare for this. But hey,if I can't get through all the mess so when will I can move on? Right? they wonder what is exactly I am trying to say. What the hell is all about that made him talking all this crap? Nothing. Just entering the first week of period thats all.hahahahah. Oopps! Aku merepek je okay. Tade kena mngena apa pun.Dah hentikanlah kepoyoan. Now,lets talk about tomorrow shall we??

Its a 2 days prgm which the 2nd day activity sounds interesting. Okay dgr yg besok punya dulu, ceramah & latihan dlm kumpulan frm 8am to 5pm???

Bagus! Aku tak tauu laa ape tajuk ceramah tp aktiviti dlm kumpulan mesti best gilaa ah. Dia akan suro buat bulatan (OMG lama gilaa x duduk dlm bulatan last rasa time modul sem 3 kot) then sebut nama simple yg semua org bole igt then oohhhh u akan jd bintang popular dlm masa sekejap aja when fasilitator suro org sebelah hafal nama you & bla bla bla...papp! Okay selesai sesi berkenalan. Wahh u dpt kwn baru nk add dkt facebook kann??? Suka gilaa. Muah muah.

Lusa,rombongan ke Tmn Pertanian Malaysia Bukit Cerakah for Jungle Trackking??? Fuyyohhh! Are you kidding me??? Jungle Trackking is my life! Sehari x berjungle trackking mmg bukan Saifol Haroon ah tu you salah org aaa.

Wah x dpt aku bygkan betapa bestnya weekend aku weh. So fun sampai malam nie aku x bole pejam mata nak dpt wetdream pun. You know what, I support ths kind of strategy to develop our accounting students to be more berwawasan selaras dgn dasar baru kerajaan Satu Malaysia.

Satu Malaysia. Pencapaian didahulukan rakyat diutamakan.

p/s:Saifol Haroon is not attending ths event due to some personal reasons. Sorry dory strawberry. Adios & have a great weekend.=)