Saturday, March 27, 2010


Ohh maiii goddd this movie sgt best! I think the relationship between the boy & the dragon is adorable. Dragon comelsss!
Hahaha gedik pulak kan.

Tapi sumpah klu betol lah ada dragon macam tu betol-betol nak bela jadi pet mintak dia hantar pegi kls.

Awhhhhh Toothless! U made my day.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Everything is alright.

I moved on & I'm happy. Right now I just want to breathe. Enjoying this moment & its time to tersenyum manisss sepanjang hari. :)

Received call from Muya kt Skype.
Doing okay with French expose.
Discussion tonight doing MGT.
Miss you Michelle Branch.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

I learned that sometimes I have the right to be mad, but that doesn't mean I can do cruel things.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Doa Selamat

When I wrote this, actually perut tgh kenyang sgt. Sb baru balik dari kenduri doa selamat rumah jiran di Sec 19. Wow! First time me & my housemates were invited to kenduri since all of us rented the house here for about 2 years? Hahah.

This kenduri doa selamat dijemput oleh akak yg bukak kedai mkn tempat kitorg lunch hari2 tapi x penah jemu sebab the foods are delicious, murah harganya & layanan pun mesraaa.

Mula2 sampai sangat malu & segan. Tuan rumah pulak kat dapur. Tapi malu2 berani jugak masuk rumah, semangat nak baca Yaasin. ( Okay tipu sikit sebenarnya tak sabar nk tgk lauk)

Pastu ada mak cik ni tanya:
" Emmmmmm adik ni siapa tah? X ingat la."

OKAY DAH MALUUUU! Rasa nak lari balik rumah tutup pintu duduk diam2 sampai pagi.

My friend ckp:
" Pelanggan tetap"

Hahaha. First time dgr jawapan macam tu.

Then nasib baik laa akak kedai makan tu kuar sambut kitorg, haih klu x mati ke-malu-an lah kat situ. Okay penantian berbaloi walaupun masa awal2 muka tebal gilaa tapi bila dah habis baca Yaasin semua alhamdulillah perot kenyanggg. I igt kitorg aja yg lapar rupanya pasukan surau pun bole tahan attack makanan. hahah.

Bila dah kenyang, mula lah mengantok. Bila dah mengantok??? Jomlah tido! Okay bye.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Today was a fairytale...

Sebab apa? First, I was otw to class when suddenly I received text message from Fali that our PSA class has been cancelled! OMG truly heaven since I don't get enough sleep last night, MAF punya kls at 10 pun tak ada jadi hari ni satu kelas ja. Hooray!

Then, dah laa kls CRG mmg lagi laa sukaaa ( Suka2 pun mengantuk jugak, haih -_-") & today Che Ah gave us the report on our performance last week. We got the BEST PERFORMANCE AWARD for the GaGa Bad Romance Song & full mark on the assignment, which is 2%! Whoah.

Since class pun cancel, ditambah pulak dgn kemenangan anugerah Grammy yg Che Ah bg tu, so all of us went out for a celebration!

Having Subway as brunch, watching Alice In The Wonderland as the main event & last desert at Carls Jr with giant! hahaha.

Taufiq bawak kawan dia dua org tinggi gilaa sampai me & Fali jalan jauh sikit takot kena pijak dgn diorg. Btw Alice sgt best, of course I adore Johny Depp punya talent but amazingly Helena Bonham Carter (The Red Queen) has caught my eyes! She was very funny dlm cerita tu as perempuan berkepala besar. Makan Subway buat I rasa sihat seolah2 macam I dah ikot piramid makanan sihat dari atas sampai bawah dgn tekun.

I'm happy. Like I said, today was a fairytale.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Of The Weekends

The picture above was taken yesterday. Me, Fali & Dayah agree that we need to do a study group every weekend as one of the plan to success with flying colours in our degree! Isn't that amazing? Hahah. Actually we were discussing our MAF & PSA projects at McD. Since Dayah wanted to see those pictures therefor I decided to publish the pictures here instead of facebook because I just don't know which album I shall put the pictures. Thats all, ohh btw, I think I like hotcakes at McD more than Waffles at A&W, and I think having breakfast at McD during the weekend is one of the cool stuffs I need to put on my list. Hahah.

Bye. TTYL.

Ethics Romance The Lyrics

Okay since ramai yg minat dgn lagu ethic romance & all fans (cewahh ada pulak fans kan, friends laa sbnrnya) really wanted to see the lyrics, so here it is.

Oooh oh ohh..
Caught in dilemma (2x)

Raa raa raaa
All pro' accountants
Lets be ethical! (2x)

Code of ethics
Duty to shareholder
Serve public interest
Sin Qua Non

Conflict of interest
Are cause by the fraud
Self interest slippery slope misunderstanding,
And judgement swayed..
Swayed swayed swayed
And judgement swayed..

You know how to avoid it
Manage avoid & disclosed it
We need to M.A.D, & M.A.D & M.A.D!!!

Maintain good reputation fiduciary duties
Will gain stakeholder trust
Don't misinterpret C.I.2.C.2.0
Follow code of conduct
Ooohhh ohhhh caught in dilemma..
Ooohhh ohhhh caught in dilemma

Raa raa raa
All pro accountants
Lets be ethical
(Then ulang balik frm first sampe chorus)

Raa raa raa
All pro accountanta
G.A.A.P & G.A.A.S!!!

I.F.A.C. code of ethics
Meet expectation of 3P'S
Confidence credibility
Serve highest quality
Thats all the basic needs
Serve highest quality
Thats all the basic needs baby!!!

Shortfall of codes
Issues cannot be solved
Conflict of codes
And the whistle-blower
Conflict interest
With the all stakeholders
Make decision involve with the judgement
Involve with the judgement..
Involve with the judgement..
Caught in dilemma
Caught in dilemmaa!!!


Raa raa raaa
All pro accountants
Lets be ethical!!!

Nah nyanyi laa puas-puas. Tp once you dah nyanyi lagu ni akan menghantui you, ke mana aja you pegi you akan dengar lagu ni, time masuk kereta, time nak kuar kereta, time tgh makan kat cafe, time tgh mkn kat Anggerik Deli, time kat rumah.. wahhhhh scaryyy!!!
Hahah bye.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lady GaGa in Ethical Version?

Wow! This is interesting. hahaha. Yesterday was the premier of our first live performance ever together in front of the whole class for CRG520: Corporate Governance assignments. This time, we need to choose a song & then fill the lyrics with the ethics terms. At first the happiest lecturer ever PM Che Ah Ahmad (Oh god I love her since we both have the chemistry in the hyperactive history) assigned us to use Michael Jackson's song, & then after we suggest to choose other song, she agree & thats how we came up with Lady GaGa song, jeng jeng jeng.. its a Bad Romance baby!!!

Its weird since I have to be a lead singer for our group, which means I have to be Sir GaGa??? Sort of macam, & I did my job, very well lah kot. Hahaha.

The best part is when all of us geleng-geleng kepala sambil nyanyi "Ohohohohoooo ooo caught in dilemmaaa!". Okay pedulik laa yg penting Che Ah suka.

Part paling best 2 3 kali ganda bila aku kena tarik part tinggi tu, haih tapayah cakap bunyi dia tapi kira lepaslah tu. Oh ramai yg tepuk tgn so I assumed boleh laa menang Grammy lps ni. (Tanggapan positif walaupun bakal malu dibahan seumur hidup

Whatever the result is, I'm proud that all of us have done a great job, really. I felt like we really put the efforts & tried our best, just hoping we could get full marks, which is errr 2% from the total carrymark??? Yeahhh thats the truth.T_T

Congratulations again to my beloved friends & teammates,Dayah Padzil, Fali Liyana Ashelu, Ahmad Taufiq El'Azzam, Bieee Nabihan, Malin & Zar. Oh btw video dah ada kat facebook. Kalau nak tgk pandai-pandailah cari. Heeeeee..

Friday, March 5, 2010

I think, I need to be more matured, I need to be more serious, I need to behave, I need to stop acting like I'm a boy, because I need to be a man. I need to stop playing around running jumping everywhere in the house while there still plenty of work need to be taken care of, I need to talking less instead of crapping & making noise, I need to start thinking wisely & be more relax. I need to be ignorance. I need to start from beginning. I just need to start it all over again, I guess.

I don't hate myself though, even those I said above keep crossing my mind, keep pushing & pushing me to do something. I'm exhausted, because when I tried to open the the pages of CRG, the notes of MAF, the manual of FAR, I started to wonder, what I have been doing all this years? I went to class, but its not knowledge thats comes in, it's the gossip instead. Hahah. Oh come on,the different between you & Ryan Seacrest is that you are not famous all around the world, & you are not paid with a bunch of money everytime you're selling your stories. Eh, you're not even be in TV! So... Stop hearing gossip, lets gaining knowledge. Yippee.