Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why can't you see?

Okay finee mengakula tajuk amik lirik Taylor Swift You Belong With Me tp karangan hari ni bkn pasal sape belong to sape. Tade tade tade. Sumpah xsangkut paut.

I was working on my movie review for CRG,then suddenly this thought came across my mind.So I take a short break & try to let this all go, & hopefully after that I can get move on to the next chapter of my life.

Dearest friends,

We are living in this world dealing with so many types of people for every single day. People include your father,your mother,your brother,your sister,your neighbor,your psychotic secret lover, and...did I forget something important??? Oohhh! Friends! Right, friends.

A good friend always stand back behind you & bla bla bla I don't think that I need to explain the boring theory of what a friend should be because my blog is not a place where I need to teach on how to be a friends or how to identify a good friend. I believe its hard to find a perfect friend who always understand you & how to treat you without hurting you once in a lifetime because nobody is perfect. We are all just ordinary human which means that we makes mistakes,often. Whether you did it intentionally or not that is another story,but I prefer to assume that we did it unintentionally.

A good friend will accept his friends as they are. Everybody has their strength & weaknesses, leave us no choice but to just love our friends as they are. I'm sure all of us love our friends. Buruk baik ape tabiat pun ada who cares as a human we should be bertimbang rasa dgn semua org.

But I'm kinda sad, because some people when org bertimbang rasa for them, they just couldn't see it. Your friend jaga hati you, can you just jaga hati dia balik?
Your friend tolong you bila you susah, can you just tlg dia balik? Org tahan you dgn perangai you, can you just do the same to him? Can you see how your friend is trying to live with your attitudes & behaviour, you marah2 kwn you bila you nampak salah dia tp when it comes to you, dia diam x bole tegur sb you hot tempered? Or you mmg akn cr excuses? Hihi okay I mcm emo plak kan. No nie I punye thoughts je.

So I hope I x jadi kwn yg mcm tu. Yes I prefer mengalah dari mengcomplicatedkn situasi because it is not worth it. For me I think I should look at myself first before I point my finger to somebody else. Hey,x kan kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga. Sayangilah rakan-rakan anda. Muah muah. =)

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