Saturday, July 16, 2011

You can be the peanut butter to my jelly.

Hi. Its weekend. and weehoo.

Lagu ni best. Best bagi I sebab I asyik dok repeat "You can be the peanut butter to my jelly" tu tak habis-habis kat semua benda yang I buat. Termasuk perumpamaan perumpamaan yang lain si Auburn ni sebut dlm lagu dia. Haha mmg tak ah nk nyanyi kat gf weh sebab tak special dah, aku nyanyi dah kat semua org.

Oh tak gf takda lagi. No worries nanti lagu lain lagi baru akan keluar jugak.

Anyway ni kelakar bila ada sorang komen kat bwh video ni kat youtube, dia tulis benda ni:

What happens when Peanut Butter cheats on Jelly with Nutella?
What happens when the Chills cheat on the first date with Halloween?
What happens when the Hero cheats on the Sidekick with the Heroine?
What happens when Pie cheats on Apple with Cherry?
What happens when Berry cheats on Straw with Blue?
What happens when High cheats on Smoke with Heroin?
What happens when Shoes cheat on Laces with Velcro?
What happens when the Paper cheats on the Pencil with the Pen?

Haha bye nak pegi cari tiket Harry Potter.

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