Friday, February 26, 2010

Moving On For Your Own Good.

Yeah rasa mcm dah lama x visit my own blog. Well I guess its because I have nothing to say perasaan hari-hari sekarang mcm blurrr. But today, I have something that I want to share with all of you, especially the one who is going through the thing now. It is about to move on after your breakup.

Maybe I'm not the one who have the expertise in relationship problems, since I only being in a relationship once in my lifetime. After that, I stay single until now. It is not because I am afraid to be involve in a lovegame again, not because I'm terrified of the commitment or because I'm busy, but I think its just because since the break up I just don't find the right person yet.

Anyway, talking about the feeling when you are being dump, I know what it feels like. Especially if the relationship has been like years, so mmg x mampu jiwa kacau gilaaa. Its like you dah siapkan hampir sepenuhnya a beautiful sand castle at the beach but suddenly a big wave dtg and menghempas istana you, last you felt like its empty. Kosong.

Paling tambah sakit, he or she now belong to somebody else and life is just getting better without you. Sayang you for them is growing jugak, even your heart dah penoh parut kena hiris, tp itulaaa. Kalau dh syg sgt sekejap ja sakit tu hilang, and yg manis you penah rasa dgn dia tu lah yg mengaburi mata you from opening your heart & your mind to feel exactly what is happening.

If I were you, I will never show how weak I am when I'm being dump. I will show them my life is fun, is getting better. I will put more smiles on my face, melangkah dgn yakin walau ke mana I pergi. I akan menggilaaa dgn my friends, rock my day dgn stupid things yg dh lama I x buat. Yeahhh I will feel the freedom and screammm... let the world now Saifol Haroon is never careee. And honestly I dah pernah buat, and look at where it got me now, I'm happy. :)

Of course org kata you senang laa ckp, you x rasa apa I rasa. Yes I know lah mcm mana sakittt nya perasaan youuu. But hey, I nk tanya, it is worth it for you untuk you hancurkan masa dpn you, mengorbankan maruah & harga diri you begging love from somebody yg tak tau menghargai you? And cuba fikir, dia x pernah terasa effect apa pun bila you x ada, and life dia better, tp you pulak sebaliknya. Down, murung, tension, lonely?

Just stop thinking about it and move on. I believed time will heal everything. What we need is to be strong and keep holding on. Jodoh & maut di tgn Tuhan. Just moving on, find your new target in life & do something to make your life happier than before. Please, whatever it is, sakit macam mana pun you rasa, jgn lah choose to do something stupid, yg at the end membawa keburukan kpd diri sendiri. IT IS NOT WORTH IT.

Btw, bowling semalam best. Also thanks to Pale & Azim for the food we had last night. I wish semoga korang murah rezeki lagi sapa tau next sem JPA tersalah masok bg amount duit double 10000 lagi ke hahah. Bole mkn besar lagi.

Thats all for now, TTYM! (Hahah, i blaja that word dari Paris Hilton frm My New BFF Season 2. Gedik.)

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Hi. Hari nie saya nk perkenalkan kawan baik saya. Saya sort of mcm syg dia jugak aaa kan. Dulu dia Melayu tapi skg dah jadi Australian. Nama pon dah tukar x pakai dah Ainul Munirah Abd Shukor, now she only answered you if you call her, Ashley. Dulu, before Ashley jadik minah mat salleh, nie laa rupa dia:

Okay nie masa Sem 2. I bet dgn Ashley, klu dia sanggup pakai beg sekolah I ke sana ke mari sepanjang kelas hari tu, I blanja dia nasik lemak Jati. So kitorang pon tukar laa bag. I pakai Roxy, dia jadi budak satu hari. Hahaha. Kelakar gilaa ko Muyaa. Macam staff UiTM pegi kerja pakai beg galas SWAN.

Ini antara babak2 panas kitorang baik di dlm kls mahu pun di luar kelas. Hahah, okay pernah suatu ketika di mana semua org dlm kelas bergosip berteka-teki siapakah bf Ashley yg jelita neh. Ada puak mengatakan Muya couple dgn ( yg tidak boleh disebutkan namanya, mcm Lord Voldemort gak aa) & satu lg, jeng jeng jeng, hahah sape lagii kan. Fatin Bazilah antara yg terpengaruh dgn gosip bermati-matian bgtau Saifol Haroon is the one. Hahaha. Yg lg best, most of classmates dlm Group E percayaaa. Wah wah. Sori Fatin, tekaan ko salah. Sapa suro ko YM dgn Muya. Mmg kena tipu hidup2.

Oh ini anak kitorang, Kemek. Setelah bertarung hak penjagaan di mahkamah syariah akhirnya hakim memberi hak penjagaan Kemek seumur hidup kpd Ashley. Belum sempat Kemek menamatkan zaman bujangnya, anak ini telah kembali ke rahmatullah & dikuburkan somewhere dkt Puchong. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat.

Oh Ashley, aku tangkap gambar nie senyap2 masa ko buat hair treatment dgn Yazid yg kita ponteng kelas semata-mata sb price hari tu murah? Aku mcm nak send dkt lecturer nak tunjuk apa ko buat tapi klu aku send bongoklah kantoi aku ponteng sekali. So x jd nk buat jahat dkt ko.

Nie time Haziq blanja kita KFC sebab celebrate birthday ko. Bila aku tgk gamba nie, aku bkn takat igt kat ko je, aku rinduuu kat Yana, Aina, & Izzah jugak. Kan best klu kita still boleh buat mcm nie. Tp unfortunately korang dah bertukar jadi UK'ian, Australian, & yg lain mana yg tinggal je yg betol2 Melayu'ian.

Rindu nie jugak tak?

Ini? Masa Sem 1. Group Eeeeeeeee. Hahaha semua geng Ryan Seacrest.

Muyaaa, eh silap ASHLEY, good luck. No matter what happen, I'm always by ur side. Buruk or baik, walaupun ko x penah buruk selalu chantek jee even ko tak mandi,we will always be friends. Skrg aku rindu kita g kls sama2, tukar2 kereta, hahah. Aku rindu msg pagi2 tanya ko dah siap blum, n then bila dh gerak akn antar satu msg berbunyi "Kuar kuar". Tapi takpe, skrg aku ada Auntie Mona, teman aku merempit pagi2. Hahah. Adios Amigos. XOXO.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Org Misteri ERA


Dgr radio ERA? Okay ada pertandingan cari org misteri ERA di mana clue2 akan diberi untuk mencari org tersebut. Cara dia, bila you dah dgr penyampai radio bgtau clue dia, then you kena bergerak pantas cari org tersebut based on clues yg dia bagi, bila dah agak2 mcm org dpn mata you tu org yg dicari, (gaya mcm suspicious cket kan, konon lah) then you pegi ketok blkg dia you tanya, "Adakah anda org misteri ERA?". Klu dia jwb "YES!" then you paksa dia call ERA & you bakal memenangi sebahagian daripada wang tunai berjumlah RM60000!!! Wow!

I taksub sebab I baru tau ada competition sebegitu.

Hari nie punya clue :
2.Ulang alik 14 jam.
3.Pintu gerbang kayangan.

Hah!!! Mau x kecoh Fali, Dayah, Myserra, & Awang termasok I sekali menerjah sana sini mencari konon klu menang kitorg nk bahagikan wang tunai RM 2000 so sorang bakal RM400 kannnn, whoah masyukk gak aaa dah la pokai sapa mau bg RM400 camtu aja betolll???

Paling semangat sb dgr UiTM maka pusinglah ktorang satu UiTM, cari kat canseleri. Then rasa UiTM mayb clue for location Shah Alam, gerbang kayangan myb bulatan kayangan near istana, then ulang alik 14 jam myb pusat akuatik, or tesco??? Finee pegilaa cari but then,hampa!=(

So dah dkt jam 6, I hantar la diorang balik. Sampai Kolej Jati tak sempat Awang nk kuar kereta I mamat misteri ERA bgtau yg dia sedang berlegar dpn pintu UiTM!!! My godddd kitorg dah dkt kotttt, tapi! Hah yg nie bikin gua panassss aaa, UiTM Perlissss! Arghhhhhhh benci benci benci.

Hahah, paling lawak Sam gilaa ah kental berani mati tanya one man dpn pintu tesco, that guy actually among car dealers tgh buat promotion, "Adakah anda org misteri ERA???" Hahahaha. I adore you Sammy! Macho abes. =)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I Gotta Live Like I'm Dying

Kris Allen said:

We gotta start looking at the hand of the time we've been given here
this is all we got and we gotta start pickin it
every second counts on a clock that's tickin'
gotta live like we're dying.

We only got
86 400 seconds in a day to
turn it all around or throw it all away
we gotta tell 'em that we love 'em
while we got the chance to say
gotta live like we're dying.

Madonna & Justin then said:
"Time is waiting
We only got 4 minutes to save the world
No hesitating,grab a boy,grab a girl
Time is waiting
We only got 4 minutes to save the world
No hesitating
We only got 4 minutes, 4 minutes"

Then when I was having hi-tea at Anggerik Deli with Dayah & Fali, I saw this on the wall:

"I learned that, no matter how bad your heart is broken, the world will never stop for your grieving."

When I was driving back home from class this evening,I was thinking, I am 20 years old now. Did I have done anything to be proud of after all these years I lived in this world?

The answer is, NO, I DID NOT.

So, I think I should start to work now, planning & work hard to achieve my dreams. I shall start with, tadaaaaaa.... The Saifol Haroon Scheme Of Work For The Year Ended 2010! Ohh sukanyaaa.=)

Jadi nak pikir dulu apa yg nak dibuat & jadi pada tahun ini, bila dah siap listkan, baru laa bole publish!!! Yay!

Sebelum berundur, satu lagi pesanan khidmat masyarakat,

"Bertangguh itu pencuri masa". Bye nak baca PSA 3 chapter malam nie.