Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Selamat Petang.Hahah okay hari nie tamak ckett nak post 2 kali dlm blog sb dah giannn lama x post,so shut upp!!;D

During the breakdown of the internet,what I'm doing is watching the movies. I just don't care anymore even already watch it hundred times because our world here was too damn boringg.

Next suggestions, Shrek. All, from Shrek The First, Shrek The Second,& Shrek The Third.
FYI,right now I'm downloading the soundtracks because believe me, you will fall in love with all the songs just like how you will fall in love to the movies.

Watching Shrek have made me believe, a good looks does not important. That is the unique about that story. Shrek is not a Prince Charming, not closed even to the guy next door type but Fiona can love him just who he is. Both of them love each other & live happily ever after, & "happily ever after" does not mean you never have to get through rough times, every couples do have problems. But their love to each other make them strong. I love that.Hehe.

The other thing,in Shrek all of the fairytales characters gather together.Name it, Cinderella & her ugly step sister, Snow White & her cuteyyy 7 dwarfs, also the Sleeping Beauty who always fall asleep in the middle of the conversation.hahah sumpah lwk okayy tgk cnfm gelak non-stop! And if before this you think Fairy Godmother is very very kind, in Shrek you know that she is not perfecto too. Senang cerita dlm Shrek it tells the reality instead of the fantasy. Kalu dlu at the end of the story, mama ckp "Finally, the prince & the princess live happily ever after..." tp dlm Shrek, "the Ogre get his own happily ever after....:)"

Ohhhh jgn dilupakan pada rakan-rakan Shrek,si keldai kelabu,Puss In Boots yg kalu buatt muka innocent serious tergoda habisss.

I'm kinda tired waiting for the all songs to be successfully downloaded but I guess it is worth it, lets take it as the reward that I will get after finishing reading a couple of chapters for my audit paper this Monday,& after that I can enjoy myself dancing in the shower,just like old times,YEAHH baby just like old times!!


  1. fiona does nt care whether shrek is good looking or not because she's also ogggleee.

  2. Haha,b4 Fiona tukar fully jd Ogre mmg dia dah suka dkt Shrek laa.
