Saturday, October 10, 2009

Yaw yaw yaw whatsup whatsup check this out bebeh! Hahah good evening to all of u! Hows your weekend??? Aaa aaa aaa don't answer that. I'm tired. A lot of things to do & I think I need to manage my time to make sure all of my task are successfully complete. So my dear friends I want to share something with you guys.

Seseorang berkata yg muka aku kelihatan sgt laa 'Ketat' 2 3 hari nie. Hahah ohhh dear aku pun x perasan, katanya ketat mcm seluar sendat. Okay perumpamaan yg kurang baik sebenarnya tp itulah yg tepat untuk dibandingkan. So bg menghilangkan keketatan di muka aku, aku mencuba terapi Ice Age 3-Dawn Of The Dinosours. And it works for me! Hahah percaya atau tidak dah 3 hari aku tgk part nie everytime aku take break kejap time buat keja.

I love Sid very very very much because we have chemistry.Hahah. Sid sangat laa sengal teramat. Aku suka ayat nie:

I say they vegetarian you say Grrrrr, I say can we talk about this you say Grrrrr.

Lagi satu:

This is how you resolve conflict??? No wonder you're single. Hahah yg tuu serious terasa. Ngeeeeeee.


  1. al rse dah letuh dgr ayat tue setiap masa,hahaha

  2. sheweeettt...wei rindu ko doe..
    da 1 week x jmpe ko n g jumaat sesame..

  3. Haaaa Ahmad Ya, dah tau rindu bkn nk dtg smyg sini, mentang2 la dh pindah rumah baru skg, kerek tak mau dtg umah aku, melampau tau.haha
