Actually lot of things that I want to update here in my blog but because I was in Raya Tour with my family so its not possible for me to write everything here. Okay lets start with Yana flew away to UK.So sorry Yana I cannot be with you at the airport during that night & even to call you because I fall asleep in my car at that time& when I woke up it was already 9.30. So I could only send you a message which I'm not sure did you get it or not.Hahah biarla benda dh berlalu & at least rindu I kat you dh terubat cket time webcam hari tu. Pasni every weekend I blk 19 kita webcam okay.
Next,hmmmm ohh a little words for Ramadhan 2009. I'm gonna miss this year's Ramadhan. I love berbuka time with my housemates. I miss riding a motorcycle with Syakir & Pale to Bazaar. FYI, we went to bazaar late like about 6.30 because we want to get low prices.Another point is because we hate waiting in front of the foods for berbuka time. So the solution is went late & jalan lama2 agak2 dh nk berbuka bru blk then bila sampai rumah terus da bole mkn.heheh.
I will not upload my Raya pictures here because malas.Duit raya Alhamdulillah mampu cover tol&myk pegi blk,hahah.Sorry to Warga 19 ari tu roadtrip xdpt join or even bwk korg dtg beraya Sg Petani because aku sendiri tgh beroadtrip dgn family time tu. Hopefully next year dpt buat open house kat korang,insyaallah.
As for now,I have a lot of homework,yg langsung xdisentuh lg.Actually jadual padat dgn assgnments, tp yg dikisahkan is jadual openhouse. Xbyk sgt pon tp sebole2 cr nk bg timetable openhouse tu penoh jgk.hahah. Haa that is part of Rancangan Menaikkan Badan 2009. Hopefully berjaya laa menaikkan bdn sikit so tadela terlentang klu kene tolak dgn org.
Here I put some pictures. Just untuk memastikan diri aku dah diupdate.heheh.
Memperkenalkan my new BFF Ust Akmal Radzi.Hahah nie time bowling kat Ole2 b4 bukak puasa on the day we spent our time with Sharir b4 die fly keesokkan harinya tuu.
Time nie tgh menunggu diorg sb diorg tgh bertekak dgn akak bowling kat kaunter.
Ini masa hantar Oggy, Sharir,Ilmy,& Hannah nk Fly. Act Yana & Nadia x fly on that day tp disbkan ktorg xdpt nak hantar diorg time hari yg diorg sepatutnya fly, ini dianggap upacara awal la menghantar diorg. Yana was crying jadi hidung die merah sikit klu korg perasan,hehe. Yeah mata aku berair tp aku tahan.Time Yana nagis tuu aku speechless. Lidah kelu bibir membeku.Cewahh! Hahah Nadia, pasni u jgn lupe eh ajak I nyanyi2 kat fb sambung2 lirik lagu if u bosan tau. Take care both of u!
Ini bersama Megat Mag Abdullah (Tuu nama fb die). Haaa time nie ktorg g rasmi A&W Sec 7 yg baru dibukak,terpaksa mkn dlm kete coz xde tempat ddk org ramai even da dkt tgh mlm. Sedikit scandalous tp jika anda berfikiran bersih pasti anda x terbyg yg bkn2. Heheh
Ini semalam time menemani pasangan skandal nie beli sling bag ayien. I wish someday I will have mine just like them. Awhhhhh epuuuulll, bak kata Izyan Blablabla love will come find you when you least expect it. Just wait. :)
Thats all for today. I'm Saifol Haroon,melaporkan bagi pihak The Saifol Haroon Blurbsss. Salam hormat.Goodnight.
Shooott. Time tu nangis teruk gilss kot. Mate bengkak hidung merah. Aiyooo... Anw, I dpt your message, it's just that, I tak de credit time tuh. So, tu yang tak reply tu. SORRY. And yeah, nanti kite ber webcam lagi ya?
ReplyDeletehaha, pul. aku dh slalu dh tgok adegan psgn scandal itu. well, love will come ot ur way. :)
ReplyDeleteOf course Yana kita akn berwebcam lg nanti. Tulaa Cik Ten hopefully it will come.
ReplyDeleteepol!!!!! ko bkn maen lg ek amek gmbr aku???
ReplyDeletegeram la nie,hahahah.. nseb baek x nmpk sgt muka.
eh,aku br prasan kat klia xde gmbar aku... x puas ati la nie!!!!!
ReplyDeletehaha..syak..xnampak x bermakna org x tau..
aku nak join web cam! cam sgt cute kite web cam ari tu..=p
Haha alaa Syakir, aku just nk tlg ko menaikkan publisiti ko,ha gmba kat KLIA tu xdpt nk tlg sb ko la photographer nye. Yup Ahmad Yaa pastikan every friday dtg smyg 19 so bole berwebcam together gether.
ReplyDeleteak nk join gak wcam!!!!!
ReplyDeleteShakir tak boleh join. Makruh. Sebab nanti Ayien jealous..
ReplyDeletexpe,ayin paham aku..hahaha
ReplyDeletekan kan kan ayin????
Epul, mari-mari kte nyanyi-nyanyi lagi! ;D