Thursday, August 6, 2009

Yaaa saya suda kembali! Ingin berita baik? Ohhhhh tiada yg lebih baik dari mengumumkan berita tentang menymbung pelajaran ke oversea. Memandangkan dah ramaiii ingin terbang dgn penoh gembira maka saya dgn penoh terharu sambil air mata kegembiraan saya menitis membasahi pipi saya yg menawan ini, sukacita dimaklumkan saya akan menerbangkan diri saya bersama seorang lagi rakan seperjuangan saya ke Mesir, melanjutkan pelajaran dalam bidang Islamic Accounting. Saya tahu keputusan ini agak mengejutkan tetapi saya x sabar2 sgt dah nk pegii nie. Sebagai persediaan, mlm nie saya tgk Tilawah Al Quran di TV1. So bg mereka yg nak ucapkan tahniah kepada saya anda tau kn bagaimana nk mengucapkannya. Thank you.:)

Sue me if you can but for sure I do not have money to pay you even we both know that you will win this case. Hmm, x bkn nak ckp pasal tue. The point is saya sangat laa obses kat satu movie nie sampai dalam otak nie xberenti berangan my life would be the same just like the story.
10 Things I Hate About You
I hate the way you talked to me,& the way you cut your hair,
I hate the way you drive my car,I hate it when you stare,
I hate your big dumb combat boots & the way you read my mind,
I hate you so much it makes me sick,it even makes me rhyme,
I hate it-I hate the way you're always right,
I hate it when you lie,
I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry,
I hate it when you're not around & the fact that you didn't call,
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you,not even close,
Not even a little bit, not even at all.

Awhhhhhhhh.....nak buat version saya?

I hate the way you yelled at me,& the way you cut my fingers,
I hate the way you hit my car,I hate it when you stare at my ass,
I hate your little combat boobs..Ooopps dah dah. Hish kata nak pegi Mesir. Haih.

Now I want to put my paling3 suka3 tahap giler babi pnye cerita. Dont hav to wory I will list all the 10 things I hate about all of you soon.


  1. Hehe tension dowh dgr sume nak fly aje.

  2. awwwww...we r going to fly together..
    xsaba doe.

  3. Haha tulaa Yazid, tp ko pegi dulu kn. Xpe nanti jmpe sana,ko letak laa gmba yazid.

  4. haha
    jom fly honeymoon scre bramai2!
    pe brg g study,
    g b'ske ria laaa!
    epul,bes ke cite tue?
    mau pnjamm laa!
    bape sewa?

  5. Best siot Kakti! Nanti aku transfer kat ko. Serious sweet laa wei. Aku siap ade soundtrack lg,haha.
