Saturday, August 15, 2009

Kisah Topeng H1N1

Happy Saturday Day everyone. Guess who's here baby?? Yeahhh say my name yawww!! Coz its Saifol Haroon in da house baby...haha. Okay I'm totally high right now & as usual I still couldn't find what on earth making me so overexcited. Today's favorite songs: If You Wanna Be My Lover,Spice Girls & If Tomorrow Never Comes, Ronan Keating. Now let me tell you about what happen yesterday. I went to a pharmacy at Puncak Perdana after my BEL class ( our BEL finished early because my lecturer said that she had nothing to taught us at the time). Its not that I am sick or I want to buy any medicine but I just wanted to have the mask (you know the one that related to H1N1 which all us should wear it now to protect ourselves from being infected). I opened the door & asked the lady at the counter "Excuse me where can I pick the mask?" (I asked her because I don't see one in there. She said "Ohh sorry dear we don't give it to the person who don't have any symptoms." Then I said "But one of my roomate was infected so don't you think that I need to wear it?" She said "If he is infected then he's the one who should wearing it. You just need to be not close to him & always wash your hands. Don't share anything with him like towels or clothes." I said "Okay". I was very disappointed and just walked out from there. But only few steps then she called me back and said "Here, take this". Yayyyy I got my mask!Haha. "My friend here said that I should give you one. But do not tell anybody that you get this from here because we don't have enough to give it to everyone" Yeah whatever laa. "Can you give me another one please? My friend there need it too" (Nampak x ketamakan di situ?) Haha. "Yes sure, here you go". I came there with Ust actually. After that I went back to my room with big smiles on my face & my heart full of satisfaction!! I've got my mask weyhh! Haha. You see I will do anything to get what I want even it is just a mask. My friend only had a fever & I took that as an excuses to get mine. Padahal bukan nak pakai sangat pon saja nak jugak sebab tengok semua orang pakai kan. Looks scary & funky & that's what I call unique.
Btw, Abg Farmasi pesan kalau nak pegi beli kat kedai RM1.50 je. Kedekut betul tapi thanks lah weyh ko bg aku free. Jadi korang pakai la yea topeng tue sementara skg tgh season dia xda la ko malu sgt kn nk pakai kat public. Next,jeng jeng jeng. Ada gambar baru nie nak tunjuk:

Tue ko tengok apa diorang buat time kelas audit. Oh dear,oh dear. (Ayat lecture BEL Yazid ko cnfm tau klu x aku sepak ko laju2)Haha. Semua orang bajet kusyuk tapi main game kat bwh meja.Last-last aku jugak yg rajin giler fokus dalam kelas.:)


  1. oh dear..
    penat jap..
    hahaha...yeke ko je rajin focus nie..?
    cam same je..
    ckp dayah..lame x jmpe..
    nampak makin lawa..!!
    i heart dayah!

  2. Hahah Dayah je lawaa??? Aku pon makin lawa tau. Focus laa tue, focus amik gamba dlm kls.
