Friday, August 27, 2010

Sooner or Later It Will Come.


I just got back from OU with Syakir & Umar, window shopping for raya.Tapi sebenarnya pagi tadi tak bangun sahur sebab tido lambat. sampai kat OU banyak gerai jual makanan, ada org jual rendang tok, lepas tu disusuli dgn bau bahulu yg dimasak panas-panas kat situ. Lps tu byk advertisement makanan memang menguji keimanan. selisih dgn chinese girls kat escalator sambil minum starbucks. aiyoyo.sebenarnya saya nak roti nan tapi tak dpt sb tak bgn sahur kan pagi td. sabar je lah.

I've been thinking a lot lately about my future. It started when my house-mates were busy struggling with their application to do their practical training.Tiba-tiba baru sedar, kita dah nak habis degree.yeah I know we all have about one more year to go, but don't you think that one year is coming too soon? Ditambah dgn some of my friends yg study abroad already came back and they already have a job. some of them already have plans what to do with their life.and here i am.still trying to figure out.what will i do for i ready for the world out there?

its hard for me to believe that soon we guys need to leave this house,rumah yg disewa since semester 3. section 19.this is ridiculous but i think for me to let go of this house is something hard for me to do. This house witnessed our changes. i remember when it was my first time i got here, masa tu tak kenal rapat sgt dgn semua org. but now, they are all part of my life. bgn pagi-pagi breakfast, sahur, berbuka sekali, mkn petang kat kedai 'payung biru' sama-sama for every single day. then dgn arguments & conflict tiap hari lawan cakap sesama sendiri, bahan membahan. we all have so much fun.

Life dekat menara. yeah i know tiap hari merungut dgn parking & lift tapi now i realize that, someday it will be the thing that i missed the most. then jumpa dgn kawan-kawan kat tgh jalan on the way nak pegi cafe when the lecturer bagi break 5 minutes. Next sem korang practical training, tu dah rasa dah bahang macam mana sedihnya bila aku part 8 tak dpt jumpa korg lagi macam tu kat fac sb korang dah habes & kerja.

Honestly I tell you,
I'm not ready to do any of these 3 things. My future, to let go of this house & neither the routines that we have now. I'm not ready to grow up this fast.
I hate it but I guess I need to be prepare for it. & the time is now.


  1. ko buat aku sedih la sengal..
    lepas ni aku nak lepak, story2 ngan sape je..
    ko keje kat sini la..
    bole slalu jumpe..

  2. keje kat mana? uitm ke Gdex? hahah.
