Sunday, March 14, 2010

Of The Weekends

The picture above was taken yesterday. Me, Fali & Dayah agree that we need to do a study group every weekend as one of the plan to success with flying colours in our degree! Isn't that amazing? Hahah. Actually we were discussing our MAF & PSA projects at McD. Since Dayah wanted to see those pictures therefor I decided to publish the pictures here instead of facebook because I just don't know which album I shall put the pictures. Thats all, ohh btw, I think I like hotcakes at McD more than Waffles at A&W, and I think having breakfast at McD during the weekend is one of the cool stuffs I need to put on my list. Hahah.

Bye. TTYL.


  1. fine..macam ni la..
    tgl kawan kan,.,

  2. Hahah aku ajak pagi tu ko buat tatau jee. Jom la nanti weekend ni breakfast MCD.

  3. die mmg sombong skng yazid,bwat tatau je ngan kite.blah senyap2 plak tue,sedeyh...

  4. Okay yg smlm tu happen accidently & unplanned. Alah mcm ko pun x penah buat je kan dulu.hihi.

  5. sudah la epul..
    bile tah ko ajak..

  6. Nie ajak laa nie. Jom bekfast & hot ballon together-gether. Hahah.
